Saturday, July 14, 2007

Wednesday - Friday Summary

Wednesday : Cleared Gruul's Lair (both bosses went down on second attempt)

King Maulgar loot :

[Pauldrons of the Fallen Champion] x2
[Brute Cloak of the Ogre-Magi]
[Belt of Divine Inspiration]

Gruul loot :

[Leggings of the Fallen Defender] x2
[Gronn-Stitched Girdle]
[Teeth of Gruul]

Thursday : Went into Tempest Keep, downed Void Reaver on third try .

Trash mobs loot :

[Nether Vortex] x2
[Fire-Cord of the Magus] x2
[Pattern: Hurricane Boots]

Void Reaver Loot :

[Pauldrons of the Vanquished Defender]
[Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero]
[Wristguards of Determination]

Friday : Karazhan upto Illhoof/Nightbane

Important loot :

[Enchant Weapon - Mongoose] - First time it drops for Faithe

Thats about it really, sorry for not updating earlier, had some stuff to take care of >>

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Zul'Aman Info


  • 10 Players raid
  • No attunement or key required
  • Trash can call adds by beating nearby war drums
  • 4 Loas (animal bosses) : Dragon Hawk God, Eagle God, Lynx God, and Bear God.
  • 2 Other bosses : a Witch Doctor and Zul'jin (Hakkar style, he'll be able to use animal powers from the other bosses).
  • Rescue missions quest, giving better rewards depending of the time you take to complete it.

Here are the relevant parts of the Gamespot news, check their site for the Full Version

"Zul'Aman is a smaller raid dungeon that's better suited for 10-character parties than the full-on 25-character raids that some of the game's larger dungeons demand. Because the dungeon will not require any keys or attunements to enter, the dungeon seems intended to be more accessible to players on tight schedules. Much of the layout will call for methodical clearing of troll enemies who may call for help by beating on nearby war drums, which summon additional trol warriors to fight. Each of the four avatars, which have respectively been infused with the spirits of a bear god, a dragonhawk god, a lynx god, and finally, a god of evil, may also summon help as well as assume different forms over the course of battle. Once players have defeated each avatar, they'll eventually take on the witch doctor who started the whole mess, and finally do battle with Zul'Jin himself. The final troll boss will not only be a powerful foe; he'll also be able to draw upon the ghostly spirits of each of the four liberated animal gods and change his own shape to assume their powers.

In addition to offering challenging encounters against these mighty foes, Zul'Aman is also apparently intended to encourage players to tackle it repeatedly to master its content. There will be several characters hanging around just outside the dungeon to give out quests that take place within the dungeon, including hunting for treasure and liberating four different hostages who have been taken captive by the armies of each of the four avatars. The rescue missions will apparently be timed and will yield better rewards if completed early.

Blizzard also plans to release additional, smaller patch updates before then that will add two new features: integrated voice chat and guild banks. Voice chat will be added to the game free of charge, will mute the game slightly whenever someone talks (so that you won't need to talk over any onscreen battles), and will use onscreen icons to indicate who's saying what, so that you'll be able to quickly determine which team member in your party is asking for help. The guild banks, on the other hand, will let guild officers create vaults to store the guild's entire possessions, as well as set permissions to limit access to certain items if they care to."

I'll update the site later with our loot from Gruul's Lair & TK Trash

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Warlocks & Shadowpriest hit by the nerf bat

Quote from: Eyonix

In the next major content patch, the combat rating, resilience, will also reduce the damage dealt by damage over time (DoT) effects. As it currently stands, each new tier of equipment adds to the amount of damage DoT abilities have, yet that damage is not mitigated through combat ratings found on typical equipment. This change will help ensure that DoT effects do not scale too well compared to other damage mechanics.

The amount of damage reduced will be equal to the critical chance reduction effect that resilience grants.


Calm Period

Last night we had a night off to grind money/food/whatnot for the upcoming week of raiding.

With the servers being down for 2.5 more hours, i cant really post anything because nothing really happened :)

Tonight we are going Gruul's Lair if the server allows it.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Magtheridon Progress

Tonight we actually had our first real tries on Magtheridon , and it went quite well!

We got all 5 adds down & Magtheridon to 81% on our best try , so nothing to complain about !

If only the trash mobs would drops epics...oh well :)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Staying cool while AFKing in AV

This is made of pure win, no matter what you say!