Wednesday - Friday Summary
Wednesday : Cleared Gruul's Lair (both bosses went down on second attempt)
King Maulgar loot :
[Pauldrons of the Fallen Champion] x2
[Brute Cloak of the Ogre-Magi]
[Belt of Divine Inspiration]
Gruul loot :
[Leggings of the Fallen Defender] x2
[Gronn-Stitched Girdle]
[Teeth of Gruul]
Thursday : Went into Tempest Keep, downed Void Reaver on third try .
Trash mobs loot :
[Nether Vortex] x2
[Fire-Cord of the Magus] x2
[Pattern: Hurricane Boots]
Void Reaver Loot :
[Pauldrons of the Vanquished Defender]
[Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero]
[Wristguards of Determination]
Friday : Karazhan upto Illhoof/Nightbane
Important loot :
[Enchant Weapon - Mongoose] - First time it drops for Faithe
Thats about it really, sorry for not updating earlier, had some stuff to take care of >>