Small Rant : Rouges vs Rogues
Right, as stated before, i'ld post about something which has been ticking me off for quite some time now.
As the title says : is it Rouges, or Rogues? Because some people dont seem to be able to spell it right.
It's ROGUES ,people, the class which backstabs you when you least expect it & can open lockboxes! And they can sap! (Sapped girls dont yell, as we all know)
There is no such thing as ROUGES, the word Rouge exists, its something you put on your cheeks to make it seem like you're blushing a bit. Would you put something on your face if you'ld see a Rogue? I wouldn't, thats for sure...
Just had to write a small rant about this because every day i see people spamming trade with "LF Rouge to open my lockbox" & stuff. I've never seen make-up open a lockbox to be honest.