Wednesday, June 27, 2007

*HOT* - Soloing Ramparts chest as a stealther

This is how you solo a chest in Ramparts without "hacks" or any programs, as a rogue and possibly with a lot of invisability pots and a class that can drop combat.

1st. Zone into a fresh instance, then kill the first 2 mobs at the beginning of the instance.

2nd. Kill the mob that patrols the bridge, he can see through stealth so he needs to be killed to get past.

3rd. Sneak up to the platform where the chest is (It's the second and final one in the instance for refrence, if you can't find it I can post pics to a way up there) and prepare to pull dogs.

4th. Pull the dogs from max range (where I am standing in picture 3) and turn around to run down back twards the enterence to The Ramparts, but don't jump down, instead run/jump into this little space, if done correctly, the mobs will sortof bug out and start running back to the entrance.

5th. Wait about 45ish seconds and then jump out of the space, and run for the chest, beware of the patrol that is usually up there, if you find you may not have enough time to loot the chest without the patrol getting to you, stay in the space.

6. Vanish when you reach the chest, loot, and enjoy the greens/blues, the 5g and the 2 or so pots that are in there, and reset!

Credit : Aistee