Saturday, July 14, 2007

Wednesday - Friday Summary

Wednesday : Cleared Gruul's Lair (both bosses went down on second attempt)

King Maulgar loot :

[Pauldrons of the Fallen Champion] x2
[Brute Cloak of the Ogre-Magi]
[Belt of Divine Inspiration]

Gruul loot :

[Leggings of the Fallen Defender] x2
[Gronn-Stitched Girdle]
[Teeth of Gruul]

Thursday : Went into Tempest Keep, downed Void Reaver on third try .

Trash mobs loot :

[Nether Vortex] x2
[Fire-Cord of the Magus] x2
[Pattern: Hurricane Boots]

Void Reaver Loot :

[Pauldrons of the Vanquished Defender]
[Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero]
[Wristguards of Determination]

Friday : Karazhan upto Illhoof/Nightbane

Important loot :

[Enchant Weapon - Mongoose] - First time it drops for Faithe

Thats about it really, sorry for not updating earlier, had some stuff to take care of >>

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Zul'Aman Info


  • 10 Players raid
  • No attunement or key required
  • Trash can call adds by beating nearby war drums
  • 4 Loas (animal bosses) : Dragon Hawk God, Eagle God, Lynx God, and Bear God.
  • 2 Other bosses : a Witch Doctor and Zul'jin (Hakkar style, he'll be able to use animal powers from the other bosses).
  • Rescue missions quest, giving better rewards depending of the time you take to complete it.

Here are the relevant parts of the Gamespot news, check their site for the Full Version

"Zul'Aman is a smaller raid dungeon that's better suited for 10-character parties than the full-on 25-character raids that some of the game's larger dungeons demand. Because the dungeon will not require any keys or attunements to enter, the dungeon seems intended to be more accessible to players on tight schedules. Much of the layout will call for methodical clearing of troll enemies who may call for help by beating on nearby war drums, which summon additional trol warriors to fight. Each of the four avatars, which have respectively been infused with the spirits of a bear god, a dragonhawk god, a lynx god, and finally, a god of evil, may also summon help as well as assume different forms over the course of battle. Once players have defeated each avatar, they'll eventually take on the witch doctor who started the whole mess, and finally do battle with Zul'Jin himself. The final troll boss will not only be a powerful foe; he'll also be able to draw upon the ghostly spirits of each of the four liberated animal gods and change his own shape to assume their powers.

In addition to offering challenging encounters against these mighty foes, Zul'Aman is also apparently intended to encourage players to tackle it repeatedly to master its content. There will be several characters hanging around just outside the dungeon to give out quests that take place within the dungeon, including hunting for treasure and liberating four different hostages who have been taken captive by the armies of each of the four avatars. The rescue missions will apparently be timed and will yield better rewards if completed early.

Blizzard also plans to release additional, smaller patch updates before then that will add two new features: integrated voice chat and guild banks. Voice chat will be added to the game free of charge, will mute the game slightly whenever someone talks (so that you won't need to talk over any onscreen battles), and will use onscreen icons to indicate who's saying what, so that you'll be able to quickly determine which team member in your party is asking for help. The guild banks, on the other hand, will let guild officers create vaults to store the guild's entire possessions, as well as set permissions to limit access to certain items if they care to."

I'll update the site later with our loot from Gruul's Lair & TK Trash

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Warlocks & Shadowpriest hit by the nerf bat

Quote from: Eyonix

In the next major content patch, the combat rating, resilience, will also reduce the damage dealt by damage over time (DoT) effects. As it currently stands, each new tier of equipment adds to the amount of damage DoT abilities have, yet that damage is not mitigated through combat ratings found on typical equipment. This change will help ensure that DoT effects do not scale too well compared to other damage mechanics.

The amount of damage reduced will be equal to the critical chance reduction effect that resilience grants.


Calm Period

Last night we had a night off to grind money/food/whatnot for the upcoming week of raiding.

With the servers being down for 2.5 more hours, i cant really post anything because nothing really happened :)

Tonight we are going Gruul's Lair if the server allows it.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Magtheridon Progress

Tonight we actually had our first real tries on Magtheridon , and it went quite well!

We got all 5 adds down & Magtheridon to 81% on our best try , so nothing to complain about !

If only the trash mobs would drops epics...oh well :)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Staying cool while AFKing in AV

This is made of pure win, no matter what you say!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Tempest Keep + Karazhan update

Last night we went to Tempest Keep and Killed Void Reaver on our second try!

Only got 1 random epic (another Nether Vortex) , but the loot from Void Reaver was for once different :)

Pauldrons of the Vanquished Defender (Yes, 5th time in 3 kills)
Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero (Woot, Hero stuff, we want more!)
Warp-Spring Coil (Second time in 3 kills)

Because we were done so early, we went into Karazhan to kill Prince for my T4 head & our mage's Mindblade (after Prince bugged on Thursday by spawning 3 infernals in 5 seconds @ phase 3).

Guess what? They BOTH dropped ! (for the first time in like....12 Prince kills?)

Helm of the Fallen Hero (YAY, 4 pieces of T4 now ^^)
Nathrezim Mindblade
And some third item i couldnt remember cuz i was so excited about my head ^^

Friday, July 6, 2007

Boosting twinks = fun

So 2 days ago i saw this guy asking for Fiery Weapon enchant.
I whispered him saying i'll do it if you got mats, he has them, so i move to SW to enchant it .
Put the enchant on & get 3g fee, from a level 15 char. fucker! Right?

Wrong. A soon-to-be twink it was! Not like it mattered for me at that point, but still....

So then i got the whisper asking me if i could boost the fellow thru Deadmines.

I said : "Sure, how much do i get for it?" You'll never guess his reply!

Think you have guessed it?

Well he paid me 15g per run. FIFTEEN GOLD for a DM boost which takes like 20 minutes!
In the end i ran him 4 times for a whopping 60 gold in little over an hour.

The item he wanted didnt drop tho...poor guy....or actually, rich , poor guy :)

So if you see someone in trade asking for a boost, perhaps its a twink who pays you well ^^

God i've been slacking again

Slap me around with a trout or any other fish for not updating this site lately ><

Been busy raiding & various other stuff tho :P

I'll update it either today or tomorrow with a few things i meant to post yesterday ><

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Gruul's Lair Lewt !

So we decided to go Gruul's Lair today! Pretty fun when its decided at 14:00 & raid starts at 19:00 ^^

Anywayz, King M went down after second try (bad pickup on first attempt, happens), and your favourite warlock (me! <3) died :( fucking 12k crits lol :)

Loot :

Maulgar's Warhelm
Pauldrons of the Fallen Champion
Pauldrons of the Fallen Hero

Then we decided to play hide & seek with Gruul, he lost after 3 rounds :)

Loot :

Leggings of the Fallen Hero (which i got , YARR!!)

Leggings of the Fallen Defender
Collar of Cho'gall
Axe of the Gronn Lords

Retro Raiding + Karazhan

Originally we planned to go Magtheridon last night, but it didnt happen.

Instead, we went to good old Zul'Gurub with about 12 people (including alts) to get the Polymorph : Turtle for one of our mages.

Twas a very fun raid, we had a good laugh, also did the snake boss and raptor boss (mount didnt drop, goddamnit ><).

Afterwards, we went Karazhan to down Illhoof & Nightbane (both first try), to conclude raiding for the week (it all resets today ;) )

I have no idea where we are going tonight as i havent logged on World of Warcraft yet, but i'll update this site anyway later today or early tomorrow :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Darklegacy/Nerdarmada Comics

TK Summary

Damn been busy lately with doing....well...i cant remember actually oO

Anywayz, Sunday we went Tempest Keep & got loads of random epics !

Nether Vortex (x2)
Bark-Gloves of Ancient Wisdom
Fire-Cord Of The Magus

Had some good tries on Void Reaver, but wiped on 1% ><

So we headed back last night, had some more random epics!

Nether Vortex (x2)
Girdle of Fallen Stars
Pattern: Monsoon Belt


Loots :

Pauldrons of the Vanquished Defender (x2)
Girdle of Zaetar

Scheduled for tonight : Magtheridon!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Update Delay

I'm currently testing out a new server for my blog, so i'll update this site later today :)

Thanks for your patience & understanding

Sunday, July 1, 2007

(Dis)Enchanting to make profit

Now i know most of you think : why would i pick up enchanting to get money? it only costs money?
Well you couldnt be more WRONG.

I picked up enchanting 2 months ago, powerlevelled it to 375 in 5 days (soloed lowbie instances like Deadmines, SFK, SM, Uldaman, ZF, etc.) , though it still cost me around 900g overall (i'm a lazy git, what do you expect when you play World of Warcraft for so long).

The part most of you might stuggle with , is levelling enchanting.

For me, it was pretty easy. I just went to AH, bought the lower level items for which the enchants were (e.g. bracers, shield, boots) and enchanted those over & over again till i could learn new enchanting formulas. Of course when someone said in [2. Trade] " need this enchant" , i'ld jump on it & make sure i'ld get the skill from it before someone else!

Levelling enchanting from 1 to 300 Guide

I know you still wont have made any money (except for those 2-3 random enchants) , but we are getting there!

Once you reach 300, you'll have a load of mats you cant use to skill up further, like Illusion Dust, Large Brilliant shards, and others.
Put these mats on AH and you'll earn some of your money back.

Then start levelling to 350 as fast as you can ( using this guide ) , once you've reached 350, the fun begins.

First of all, go get this formula to make some very nice profits.

"But it requires alot of arcane dust" , you say? I know, and that's why i'll tell you an easy trick to get arcane dust, not involving much farming (unless you're a big fan of it).

Netherweave cloth if one of the most common drops in Outlands. Useless if you're not into tailoring or first aid? WRONG again!
Grind/buy as much cloth as you can (lets say 25 stacks) and -if you're a tailor yourself , or get a guildie to do it - turn it into Bolt of Netherweave.
These cant be disenchanted Pengo!
- I know! BUT.....!

Ask your tailoring friend to use the bolts to make Netherweave belts / Netherweave Bracers for you. Then start disenchanting those, and collect some nice Arcane Dust.
You will also get Lesser Planar Essences, which you can turn into Greater Planar Essences . These go on the Auction House for 5g or more (depending on your server).

I used tailoring in this example, but this can be done with any crafting profession (tailoring, blacksmithing, leatherworking, etc.)

All you need are items between level 60 & 65-66, which NORMALLY give you 2-5 arcane dust per piece.

When you have about 60 arcane dust, start offering to sell the enchant for 25-30g with your mats, or 2-5g fee with their mats. This is 1 of the most popular enchants , next to +12 Agility on boots & + 150 HP on chest. (Besides the ones from Karazhan)

You can also, as a level 70, still run the level 55-60 instances, disenchant those greens (for greater eternal essence) and the blues (for large brilliant shards, and if you're lucky a nexus crystal) , because these are ALWAYS in demand.

Karazhan update from 30-06-2007

So we unexpectedly did Karazhan last night , in the hope to get my T4 head after 9 weeks .

We started by giving Shade of Aran a crack, he went down after second try with only 2 ppl on interrupting (rogue & mage). He dropped 2 crapix (crappy epix) & no enchanting formula.

Then we went for Prince, whose infernals just loved to box us in, or he decided to enfeeble + phase 3 at the same time. Same story here, 3 crapix (still no T4 head, for fuck sake).

So i ticketed a GM to ask if the helmet could be replaced with one we could actually use (you never know, eh), but i got their #1 macro "Droprate working as intended" - my ass.

Anywayz, tonight we're going Tempest Keep again, should be fun ...

I might update this site later, tho due to the lack of people actually reading this, i doubt anyone cares.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Small Heroic Mana Tombs Guide

Just finished a Heroic Mana Tombs run with guildies which went very well (only died twice cuz of overnuking oO) so here are some general tips :

Group setup (not sure if this is ideal but it works well)

* Protection Warrior
* Feral druid (with dps gear)
* Fire/Arcane Mage
* Affliction Warlock (your's truly)
* Holy Priest


Pandemonius needs to be tanked by the prot Warrior, who's standing with his/her back against the wall on your right side as you enter the room. The feral Druid goes catmode with DPS gear on & stays behind the boss. The dps and healer stands in the corner on the right, so they dont get the knockback. Dont dps when he shifts into the void, spamheal the tank & burn the boss down asap are keywords here.
Shadow resistance gear for the tank is optional here.

Tawarok is a basic tank and spank fight, while the healer keeps up a HoT on the tank in case of the eartquake or the crystal prison. Pretty easy boss overall.

Nexus-Prince Shaffar has 3 balls around him. Mage opens the fight with a pyroblast on 1 add & kills it while the Warlock and Feral druid kill an other add. Then the mage starts AoEing the adds, while the feral Druid & the Warlock go all out on the boss, tanked by the prot Warrior. The faster you burn him down, the better. Kill any remaining adds afterwards & enjoy the loot! :)

We didnt summon Yor because i still need to get the quest done for it (doh, slackerbean!) , so if we'ld ever get to him i'll post a small guide on him aswell.


* Always kill the Priest(s) first in a pack
* When an add spawns those blue adds, kill those first, then kill the mob.
* Make sure to resheep very fast!

Drakedog 7 got released

Small Rant : Rouges vs Rogues

Right, as stated before, i'ld post about something which has been ticking me off for quite some time now.

As the title says : is it Rouges, or Rogues? Because some people dont seem to be able to spell it right.

It's ROGUES ,people, the class which backstabs you when you least expect it & can open lockboxes! And they can sap! (Sapped girls dont yell, as we all know)

There is no such thing as ROUGES, the word Rouge exists, its something you put on your cheeks to make it seem like you're blushing a bit. Would you put something on your face if you'ld see a Rogue? I wouldn't, thats for sure...

Just had to write a small rant about this because every day i see people spamming trade with "LF Rouge to open my lockbox" & stuff. I've never seen make-up open a lockbox to be honest.

2.1.3 Patch Hits PTR!

A new patch can be expect soon , people on PTR can already find out if it actually is useful.

Illidan Trinket = imba?!

Illidan Stormrage, the last boss in The Black Temple, drops a very interesting trinket.

Nothing special you may think, although the "use" effect is very nice?
Well, the trinket doesnt share cooldown with other trinket(s), so you can use this 1 and e.g. a spell damage increasing one at the same time!
It also has a 2 min cooldown, like every other trinket.

Slacking Pengo

Sorry for the lack of updates yesterday, but we had a night off from raiding, and i went to the movies to (finally) see Pirates of the Carribean : At World's End.

Movie was ace, if you havent seen it, go do so, if you have seen it, buy the dvd! :)

I'll update this site soon with something that has been bothering me for quite some time now ...

Friday, June 29, 2007

Last night's Summary

So last night we ventured into Karazhan to gear up some people , and for the people who still need some random items & their T4 head (like me ;))

Had no problems whatsoever with the Attumen & Moroes, we skipped Maiden (couldnt be arsed to look under her skirt) , dropped Romeo & Julianne after a bad luck wipe, sent Curator back to the "I, Robot" movie & played some stripchess.

Was quite a fun raid, despite we didnt manage to kill Prince, but we'll go back today or tomorrow & get my T4 head (or at least i hope so ><)

Also guys please click the google ads to support me, trying to figure out which links are the most useful :)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Enslaving fun !

Thy, a guy from my guild, wanted to have a new pet, so he went to Shadowmoon Valley to enslave Makazradon (68 elite demon) !

Doesnt he look cuddlable? (the demon, not thy :P)

Account scam email going around

This was posted on the official World of Warcraft Europe forums :

I received a email today about blizzard knows that i trade/sell or something so they asked all my info.
But i dont trade so i thought it was fake..
A friend of mine had it to and he mailed them.. he got a email back with 'yeah i scammed like 50 people now'

World of Warcraft: Account‎
From: . (


It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell/trade your personal World of Warcraft account.
As you may or may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement.
If this proves to be true, your account can and will be disabled. It will be ongoing for further investigation by Blizzard employee's.
Blizzard might consider taking legal actions against your crime, if it seems too be of an extreme nature.

If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account.
This action is taken because we at Blizzard Entertainment takes these sales
quite serious. We need to confirm you are the original owner of the account.
This is easiest done by confirming your personal information along with concealed information about your account.
You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account by replying to this email with:

Use the following template below to verfiy your account and information via email.

* First and Surname
* Address
* Zip code
* Phone number Daytime
* Country
* Account e-mail
* CD-key, alternative a photograph of your CD-key that is located on your manual for World of Warcraft.
* Account name
* Account password
* Secret Question and Answer

If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently.
We ask you to NOT change password until the investigation is fully completed.

Blizzard Entertainment Europe
Account Administration Team
TSA 60 001
78143 Vélizy Villacoublay Cedex France

As soon as we have this information we will be able to progress the resolution
of this matter for you.

If you wish to review our current Rules and Polices, they can be found at:


Account Administration Team
Blizzard Entertainment Europe

If you'ld receive such a mail, please ignore it because its obviously a scam.

Raiding vs Social Life

Got this link from a friend, you should listen to it, requires Quicktime tho :)

His parents' comments are so...lame? :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Faithe Laser Tagged Gruul's Lair

Yep yep we cleared High King Maulgar & Gruul in the same night, as usual :)

High King Maulgar loot :
[Brute Cloak of the Ogre-Magi]
[Pauldrons of the Fallen Champion]
[Pauldrons of the Fallen Defender]

Gruul's loot :
[Dragonspine Trophy] [Windshear Boots]
[Leggings of the Fallen Champion]
[Leggings of the Fallen Defender]

Screenie of the Gruul kill :

Coming up: Gruul's Lair

As i mentioned yesterday, tonight we're gonna play laser tag in Gruul's Lair.

Check later today for a report on how it went!

Also, feel free to klick the adsense ad to support me a bit ^^

*HOT* - Soloing Ramparts chest as a stealther

This is how you solo a chest in Ramparts without "hacks" or any programs, as a rogue and possibly with a lot of invisability pots and a class that can drop combat.

1st. Zone into a fresh instance, then kill the first 2 mobs at the beginning of the instance.

2nd. Kill the mob that patrols the bridge, he can see through stealth so he needs to be killed to get past.

3rd. Sneak up to the platform where the chest is (It's the second and final one in the instance for refrence, if you can't find it I can post pics to a way up there) and prepare to pull dogs.

4th. Pull the dogs from max range (where I am standing in picture 3) and turn around to run down back twards the enterence to The Ramparts, but don't jump down, instead run/jump into this little space, if done correctly, the mobs will sortof bug out and start running back to the entrance.

5th. Wait about 45ish seconds and then jump out of the space, and run for the chest, beware of the patrol that is usually up there, if you find you may not have enough time to loot the chest without the patrol getting to you, stay in the space.

6. Vanish when you reach the chest, loot, and enjoy the greens/blues, the 5g and the 2 or so pots that are in there, and reset!

Credit : Aistee

World of Warcraft Tool

Stumpled upon this little tool earlier today , its let you check which people from a guild (or your guild) have the reputation to go to heroic instances, and which heroics.
Better than looking up every1 on armory eh? :)


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Spelling, Blizzard?

Noticed this during out TK run : Blizzard sucks at in-game spelling!

Proof :

Good game, designers, good game... :)

Void Reaver got recycled!

Minutes ago, Faithe downed Void Reaver!

After 3 nights of hard work we managed to get him down 30 seconds before he enraged.

Big gratz to everyone who was there, screenshot below!

Loot :
[Warp-Spring Coil]
[Pauldrons of the Vanquished Defender]
[Pauldrons of the Vanquished Defender]

Great fight,we can't wait to go there again after the reset!

Scheduled for tomorrow evening : Big, bad-ass Gruul !

Random epics ftw!?

So we were doing Heroic Slave Pens untill a few minutes ago, and we have a world epic drop off a trash mob!


Now i just need tos ell this item so if anyone from BALNAZZAR is reading this, whisper Pengo!

Naked Draenei & Noam Secks

Yeah the title is quite disturbing, as are the screenshots....

If you're under the age of 16 or dont have a strong stomach, DO NOT CLICK ON THE IMAGE!

Disturbing pic 1

Disturbing pic 2

Still giving me nightmares, the rightern part of the images ><

Darklegacy Comic

A new DarkLegacy Comic came out today, i absolutely love these! ^^

Void Reaver part 2

As stated before, yesterday evening we went back to pew pew Void Reaver a bit.

Unfortunately we still couldnt down him, cuz he tempts to a bitch to kill.

Our best effort was 12%, which was very good, but we need to step up the dps a bit more :)

Tonight we'll go there again, so if you wanna know whether we downed him or not, check back tomorrow!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Flying Pancake

So you guys are still reading my blog eh? Good, good....keep it up!

Yesterday i forgot to post i dinged exalted with Sha'tari Skyguards (confetti, anyone?) & i got my own Flying Pancake, aka Nether Ray.

For those of you (like me) who think the Nether Ray actually looks faster than the Netherdrake, it doesnt! (Or so i got told, still have my doubts...)

Feel free to post a comment on the matter.

Legendary item for Forte

This has nothing to do with me or my guild but it sure is worth mentioning.

Forte downed Illidan last night and they got the legendary main hand!

Big gratz to them! :)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Void Reaver part 1

Why hello there!

Today we had our first tries at the big Void Reaver in Tempest Keep.

We werent succesfull in downing him -YET- , but we're going back tomorrow with 1 or 2 more dps instead of healers & get some T5 shoulders!

Trash is pretty easy except the ones in VR's room, they can wipe your whole raid in a matter of seconds.

We got 2 random epix tho! (yay, lewt! ^^) - havent figured out how to link em properly yet :(

[Mantle of the Elven Kings]

[Pattern: Belt of the Black Eagle]

Tune in tomorrow night to check which T5 loot we got!

Funny Videos

These are some videos you just -HAVE- to see :)

#1 : WoW Dancing

#2 Emo Elmo

#3 Roflmao


As stated before, yesterday evening was very calm & i went afk most of the time to promote this blog ^^

Tonight we have Void/Loot Reaver scheduled, so expect a big update early tomorrow about how it went and such!

I'll update the site later today with some funny videos i think you all should see...

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Small Summary

This week has been a calm week so far (if you start counting from maintenance day)

We had our first SSC attempt on Wednesday, just to see how it looks & how the trash/first boss is.
It went quite well on trash, seems like they made those the same difficulty level as trash in heroics.
The first boss (Hydross the Unstable) on the other hand, is quite a bitch without resistance gear...
Overall it was quite a fun raid & we're pushing the blacksmither(s) in our guild to level up so they can craft the items we need.
Fun thing about SSC are the fishies , everyone wants to play with them it seems...

Thursday it was time for High King Maulgar & Gruul.
Not much to say about these, both went down like a a guy jumping off a skyscraper : fast.
The loot sucked balls for dps casters (as usual) but very good teamwork & everyone bringing their "A-Game".

That same Thursday evening, we went Karazhan to gear up some people & stuff.
Very quick raid, only had little over an hour, but we got to Opera, downed it, took the loot & went out .

Fifth day of the week, also known as Friday to you landlubbers, brought us more of Karazhan to clear.
Basically we 1shotted Curator, gave Aran the benefit of the doubt on our first try, pewpewed Illhoof & kicked Prince back to "all of his realities which are open to him".
Crap loot again for yours truly, but we're getting used to it :) (banking DKP = win ^^)

As for today, Saturday, the day before He rested, not much planned atm, think we'll go bake some cookies for our paladin with ze munchies!

So much typing, think i actually stretched some muscles in my fingers.

Tune back in tomorrow or early next week for a new update!

| Make Money on World of Warcraft | Levelling Guide |

First Post

Hello minions,

Here you will be able to read about my aventures in the World of Warcraft universe.
This will include : raids & dungeons, pvp, conversations, etc.

Hope you'll enjoy it!